When India woke up from the shackles of slavery, it needs its own people to get ready with many talents to build the fort of economy. Evolution of small scale industries was much needed for the nation. The growth of every single citizen is the growth of the nation. Talents bring opportunities, opportunities pave the way for the vision for the development. Such aspects have accomplishment when evolution of small scale industries came into force. Small scale industry or the small business are the two separate terms which have not specifically defined in statutory documents of the Government. In the official documents the term small scale industry has been in use. After the independence the first document is Industrial Policy Statement 1948, where the term SSI emphasizing the role in national economy; for better utilization of local resource in respect of essential consumer goods like food, cloth and agricultural implements.
Small Scale industry defined

SSI registration in Peelamedu followed by the above Industrial Policy Statement 1948, the Industries regulation act 1951, vide sectoin3(j). The small scale industrial undertaking as the one which in reference with requirements specified under the sub-section (1) of section 11B; has been given the title as Small Scale industries undertaking for the purpose of the act.
SSI and Industrial Policy statement
In the Industrial policy statement 1956, stress was upon the importance of SSI in the national economy as the provider of immediate large scale employment.
Emphasis has accordance to the development of the ancillary industries in the areas where large products have the set up; both public and private carried basic understanding and responsibility to provide for the development of ancillary and small scale industries.
The focal point of the development of SSI, in Industrial Policy Statement of 1977, had shift from big cities to the rural areas and the small towns. Each district in every state were to have District Industries Sectors to provide full support and services to small entrepreneurs covering the raw material and other input resources, supply of equipment and machinery, arrangement of credit facilities.
SSI registration in Coimbatore states that a close link in between the government and the developmental blocks and specialized institutions like Small Industries Services Institute.
It happens for implementation of the policy objectives, items reserved for the SSI sector to be continuously revised so that stress occur on the production of goods which were necessary. The State Government framed their own respective policy framework and offered incentives, rebates, subsidies to small industries to ensure growth.
In the industrial policy statement 1991, SSI sector had recognition as dynamic and vibrant and contribute to sector of economy. It was the first time in the industrial policy 1991 that central government came with the separate policy for SSI. This is to ensure the SSI sector to emerge as dynamic and vibrant sector.

Evolution of Single window assistance
SSI registration in Coimbatore follows policy that the Central Government had announced New Industrial Policy in July 1991; so as to begin with the process of liberalization of the Indian economy; and carry out the economic reforms to eliminate and minimize to the extent possible. Many states had evolved the concept of the Udyog Mithra, Udyog Bandhu, Udyog Shayak or escort services.
Udyog Bandhu
Udyog Bandhu is an organization in Uttar Pradesh. It can have the translation as friend of Industry.
Vision of the Udyog Bandhu
The main concept of Udyog Bandhu is to renew the state to the most preferred investment destination in the country. It acts as the active investment policy driver. It serves as the facilitator in providing the best infra-structure and provides the business environment.
Mission of Udyog Bandhu
It works with relative transparency and gives quick responses to his clients in a friendly and courteous manner. The company’s services act as a coordinating agency between the founders and the government. The organization assists in fulfilling greater responsibilities in various fields including investment promotion and industrial development; supporting government in policy formulation, obtaining studies conducted for investment promotion, etc.
With the support provided to the citizens, the company has become an important interaction centre for the founders and empowers high level meetings on industry related issues.
In addition to assisting its citizens and learning more about their needs, Udyog Bandhu participates in various conferences. Also for exhibitions nationally and internationally.
Benefits of the SSI registration in Kalangal road

There are many rewards to starting a small business.
1.In terms of space, finance, product and manpower the owner can start small scale companies according to convenience.
2. The unit requires a short gestation period of 2 to 6 months to set up; and start production and can be laid out according to convenience.
3. SSI registration in Singanallur states that locally available skilled and semi-skilled persons can have the recruitment. They have recruitment at small notice and at very low salary as compared to medium and large industries.
4. Parent company officials may assist or hire consultants to resolve technical issues where high technology is available.
5. It is one of the best forms of self-employment, as well as giving self-employment opportunities to everyone. In the case of rural sectors, SSI units are less labor intensive especially during the off seasons.
6. SSI registration in India states that SSI units not only contribute to the country’s economy, but also provide employment opportunities.
7. In the case of SSI units started by experienced and talented executives, there are also vast opportunities for MNCs. These are here to develop high-tech components and manage exports.
8. Production of consumer goods and fast moving consumer goods increased in the local area due to population growth.
Recent news on Small scale industries

SSI registration in Coimbatore states that Small Industries Development Bank of India (CIBI) has cleared another round of funds for Venture Capital Funds (VCF).
Furthermore this time around Rs 200 crore has the sanction from the Rs 2,000 crore India Aspiration Fund (IAF). IAF had launch in August. SIDBI follows a two-step process to test venture funds. All applications are first presented by the Venture Capital Investment Committee (VCIC), an expert panel set up by SIDBI.
Final Note
Finally the entrepreneurs who are willing to start a small scale industries can have clear vision of the evolution, its policy statements. And we are here to provide the registration services for SSI up to the satisfaction of the thirsty clients.